Edward O. Wilson was an influencer in the true sense - someone whose ideas and ability to communicate them will be valued for decades to come.
Continue reading →Thanks for tuning in to my talk at the Gilbert White 300th birthday festival! Here are the links I promised.
Continue reading →Join me this Saturday to celebrate the 300th birthday of the first modern nature writer - Gilbert White
Continue reading →I am pleased to confirm details of my forthcoming book, to be launched in the autumn
Continue reading →On this day in 1771 Gilbert White, whose 300th anniversary we celebrate this year, was thinking about migration. Exactly 245 years later I visited his home on my own spring journey.
Continue reading →Gilbert White was the first modern nature writer, and his studies of less well-known species like the field cricket leave a lasting legacy.
Continue reading →Gilbert White’s The Natural History of Selborne takes the form of 110 letters, 66 of which were addressed to Daines...
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