In collaboration

On 3 June 2022 I met with two friends and occasional collaborators, Peter Sheppard Skærved and Edward Cowie, on the...

On 3 June 2022 I met with two friends and occasional collaborators, Peter Sheppard Skærved and Edward Cowie, on the first day of planning for a new project. Peter, a renowned violinist, and I worked together in the summer before Covid at the RSPB reserve at Farnham Heath in a words-and-music response to the sonic environment of the heath at dusk. I have known composer Edward Cowie on and off for four decades, since we both lived and birdwatched in the Morecambe Bay area. Funded by Research England, Peter has invited both Edward and me to join him in a Knowledge Exchange programme involving a revisit of our work at Farnham and a new collaboration around the RSPB reserves at Leighton Moss and Morecambe Bay. Planning is at a very early stage, and I will update progress in my blog.